An Official preliminary competition to Miss Minnesota and Miss Minnesota Teen

**Miss Coon Rapids/Anoka County and Miss Coon Rapids/Anoka Cou Teen Competition will be held February 1st, 2025 at 4:00!**

​The Miss Coon Rapids and Miss Coon Rapids Teen competition are "OPEN" competitions within the state of Minnesota.  You must live, work, or go to school in the state of Minnesota in order to compete.  Proof of residency and/or school enrollment will be required.

The Miss Coon Rapids Competition began as a community service project for the Coon Rapids Jaycees.  The Miss Coon Rapids Competition has always had involvement the the Coon Rapids "Snowflake Days" which celebrated its 50th Celebration in 2014.  After its first competition in 1965, the Miss Coon Rapids Competition was incorporated in 1986.  The Miss Coon Rapids Competition welcomed its sister program, Miss Coon Rapids Outstanding Teen in 2007.  The Miss Coon Rapids Competitions have always been a strong program thanks to our many volunteers and sponsors within the community of Coon Rapids.  One of the main reasons the Miss Coon Rapids competition runs so flawlessly is because some of these volunteers and businesses have been involved for over 40 years!

We are dedicated to producing a production in which every contestant benefits from whether they are chosen for the title or not.  We take pride in candidates returning year after year in hopes of capturing the title of Miss Coon Rapids or Miss Coon Rapids Teen.  Our titleholders are role models within the city of Coon Rapids who are looked up to and respected.  Our titleholders close their year learning public service, speaking skills, confidence, poise, and countless other life skills.